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About Us


Quality Styles

Art is meaning FULL. At first glance we may understand the meanings and translations of an artist. Which reminds me of my relationship with Jesus. Clearly God is the greatest artist in all of time and space. The problem I had was my inability to connect with his work. I tumbled through life with my family, financially and spiritually. I've burned bridges and left a path of negativity everywhere I went. Until one day I began to reach out with love and posititivity to those very people I had burned bridges with. That very day my dog Benji came to me as my wife was walking down the stairs. I called my wife over because I felt very odd. I wasn't sure if I was going to faint or was just lightheaded. I began to feel warmth surrounding me and then I felt a great peace. I asked my wife to kneel as I began to say "Jesus entire life I've denied you but because you have blessed me with my family you've shown me that clearly you exist". Now what I want to make abundantly clear is that when I spoke it felt exactly like and out of body experience. When I spoke those words I almost did not intend to. I spoke from my sould not my mind. Quickly I jumped up from kneeling and shockingly asked my wife "what was that!?" (not exactly the words I used but close enough lol). Then I was flooded with what felt like great knowledge. It was continuing. The chains pain and depression weren't who I was...instead I realized that I had been holding them beause I enjoyed their bitter tastes. I enjoyed being depressed, angry and irritable because of familiarity. After some research I discovered that this what's known as being blessed with a new heart. The holy spirit graced me. Jesus showed me. God blessed me. Be blessed...


Innovative Designs

Our goal is to put the "fun" in functional fashion. We know that looking stylish can make your whole day better; that's why we're committed to being your source for the newest trends. We design clothing you love so you can focus on looking great!